The “DOORS – Organizational Development of Romanian NGOs for Sustainability” project addresses the need for the sustainable development of organizational capacity of 20 NGOs. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of 20 NGOs with a profile in social, education, health, civic and environmental fields, which carry out activities in underserved geographical areas, have limited human, material and financial resources.
The project is needed to develop the capacity of NGOs to become sustainable in a changing social and economic context, with a report by FDSC stating that 90% of respondents are concerned that they will not be able to continue providing current services in the next 6 months, and 10 % of respondents expressing concern that their organizations will go out of business/dissolve in the next period.
DOORS helps these 20 NGOs for a period of 20 months, by improving the skills of people within the organizations, updating internal procedures, developing the organizational strategy, offering support for digitization, increasing cooperation with stakeholders or local authorities, transfer of good practices and networking for sustainable strengthening.
The benefits of DOORS:
In the DOORS project, organizations work in partnership with experts from the non-governmental sector to ensure their sustainability, fulfill their mission and serve the community in which they operate. Over a period of 20 months, 20 less experienced NGOs from small urban and rural areas across the country receive support in developing their organizational capacity through a complex program that will include:
– digital transformation and promotion kit (assistance and development): branding elements, website, social media presence;
– support for the development of individual strategies;
– guidance and assistance in the organization of networking events aimed at the cultivation of donors / loyalty of sponsors / exchange of best practices and collaboration in the network;
– training and coaching programs.
Who are the 20 NGOs?
1. Asociația pacienților cu Afecțiuni Hepatice
2. Asociația Cernavodă Plus
3. Asociația Art in Context Slănic Moldova
4. Global Network for Democracy and Human Rights (GNDHR)
5. Asociația Plaiuri noi
6. Asociația ROBOCLUB
7. Asociația DARES
8. Asociația Suflet Mic și Magic
9. Fundația Te Aud România
10. Asociația OPEN
11. Asociația Pro Eco Tur
12. Asociația Samarineni în Comunitate
13. Asociația Sellification4Education
14. Sports Club Lucky Dragons
15. Asociația Ridică-te și Umblă – filiala Arad
16. Filiala Județeană Bacău a Asociației Nevăzătorilor din România
17. Asociația Centrul European pentru Excelență Culturală Diverbium/dialog (CEPEC)
18. Asociația Multifuncțională Sf. Spiridon
19. Asociația Copii Fără Copilărie
20. Asociația Dincolo de Azi
News from Doors

In September, the series of community events began within the Doors network. The organizations from the project opened their doors and invited the most relevant stakeholders from the community to a consultation session. For most of them, this was a first discussion they had with sponsors, authorities, donors, volunteers and all other categories of public interested in their social cause.