Intergenerational approach | Fundația Regală Margareta a României
Intergenerational approach | Fundația Regală Margareta a României
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Intergenerational approach

The Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation builds communication bridges between generations. The specificity of our projects is given by their intergenerational character: children, young people and the elderly are encouraged to participate together in educational, recreational, sports activities within a community framework. Volunteering plays a key role in such activities, and volunteers involved in Foundation programs belong to all age groups.

The intergenerational approach is based on the belief that every person, regardless of age, is a resource for the community, and harnessing the potential of all members of the community, interaction and intergenerational dialogue are essential premises for building a strong community.


Surrounded by the energy, vitality and affection of young people, the elderly feel less lonely and isolated, less marginalized and neglected by others. When they have the opportunity to get involved and contribute to the good of the community they live in, when they are given the opportunity to use their skills for the benefit of the young and without experience, the seniors regain their self-esteem and lust for life.


Children and young people receive from the elderly the affection and heat that they often lack in the family because of too busy or even absent parents.


Contact with “adoptive grandparents” and engaging in intergenerational community activities keep many young people away from such issues as drugs, juvenile delinquency, school absenteeism. At the same time, young people often find life stories, receive advice, and sometimes find a model of life or a mentor in the old man in front of them.
